Appendix A: Collaborations With External Organizations Checklist

Please refer to the Approvals section of the Guidelines for Continuing, Professional and Executive Education for further information on this checklist.

Please submit this document to

Division Information

Name of division:
Proposed type of activity:
Divisional lead on activity (name and title):

Information on Proposed Partner

Type of organization:
Does a prior relationship with this partner exist?

Information on Proposed Activity

Title of proposed activity:
Open enrolment or customized:
Length of activity:
Proposed start date:
Is this a recurring activity? If yes, please specify:
Brief description of the scope and nature of activity, including alignment with the strategic priorities of the division:
Does the proposed activity fully cover its costs according to the Costing/Funding Model (Appendix D)? If not, please explain.
Describe the division of responsibilities between U of T and the partner for the proposed activity, including who owns or can reuse the materials developed.
Who would conduct/teach the activity? What is their status at or relationship to U of T?
What do participants or learners receive upon completion of the activity?

Information on Proposed Activity

Are any other divisions or U of T offices involved in designing or delivering this activity?
Any other relevant information about this activity. For example, field trip component, use of bio-hazardous materials, security clearance requirements, etc.

International Component, If Applicable

Location of organization:
Location of proposed activity:
Name of person in the International Relations portfolio who has been consulted:

Experiential Learning Component, If Applicable

Short description of experience, including length of activity and location of site:

Divisional Oversight and Approvals

Has the proposed activity received decanal approval as per the Guidelines for Continuing, Professional and Executive Education?


Term of contract:
Is there an agreement or contract (please attach)? If not, why not?
Does the Dean have signing authority for the contract or agreement as per the Policy on Approval and Execution of Contracts of Documents and the Provostial Guideline for Academic Divisions on Contracts?