Certificate Programs: Continuing, Professional & Executive Education


Certificates in continuing, professional and executive education are also called not-for-credit certificates. These certificates reflect the University’s commitment to offering learning as a life-long activity by providing the community and those in professional practice with opportunities to study and use its facilities. The University’s Statement of Institutional Purpose supports this commitment.

Continuing, professional and executive education (not-for-credit) certificates are offered through the School of Continuing Studies and some divisions.

The Policy on Certificates (For-Credit and Not-For-Credit) outlines the characteristics, nomenclature, approval and oversight of these offerings. In the Policy, they fall under category 3 certificates; for-credit certificates are categories 1 and 2.

Not-for-credit certificates:

  • are offered with the knowledge and approval of the Dean, and are in line with the division’s strategic direction;
  • may have open admission but may be targeted to particular professional and quasi-professional areas;
  • comprise a coherent sequence of not-for-credit courses;
  • normally provide a mechanism for the assessment of student performance;
  • must clearly stipulate that it is not-for-credit and can be referred to as a
    • not-for-credit certificate
    • certificate in continuing studies/education or
    • certificate in professional/executive development.

The Guidelines for Continuing, Professional and Executive Education provide a framework for divisions to ensure that continuing, professional and executive education is:

The Guidelines provide help on many issues, such as developing collaborations with external organizations, contracts, logo use and costing.

Creation, Modification & Closure

Processes for creation, modification and closure of all certificates in continuing, professional and executive education (not-for-credit) are set by your division. Please contact your Dean’s Office for more information.


The VPAP Office works with Dean’s Offices to compile an annual list of certificates in continuing, professional and executive education (not-for-credit). This list is included in an annual report by the Provost to the Committee on Academic Policy & Programs.



Please contact your Dean’s Office


Jennifer Francisco
Academic Change Specialist

Annette Knott
Academic Change Specialist