Academic Planning
In early 2011, the Vice-President and Provost established the Advisory Group on Academic Planning, charged with articulating guidelines and identifying best practices for academic planning at the divisional level (Faculties and departments). The Advisory Group’s draft report on the principles and process of academic planning was released in July 2011 and proceeded through governance.
Based on the draft report, the implementation of the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP) (PDF) and amalgamated feedback from the highly consultative and engaged process, the Guidelines on Divisional Academic Planning were confirmed by the Executive Committee on February 9, 2015.
Development of Divisional Academic Plans
Academic Plans are developed within divisions, in line with the Guidelines. Support is available throughout the development process, including:
- The Vice-Provost, Academic Programs meets with the Dean to discuss the planning process.
- The Vice-Provost, Academic Programs provides feedback on the draft academic plan.
- The Vice-Provost, Academic Programs brings forward the penultimate draft of the plan to the Provostial Advisory Group for advice and feedback. Many divisions take drafts to their governance bodies for information and discussion prior to this step.
- Final revisions to the plan are completed prior to approval.
Approval of Divisional Academic Plans
For St. George Divisions
- The Dean brings forward the Academic Plan to Faculty Council for endorsement in principle.
- The Provost brings the Plan forward to University governance:
- Planning and Budget Committee: for information and feedback;
- Academic Board: for information and feedback.
- The Dean brings forward the Academic Plan to the Academic Affairs Committee for recommendation to the Campus Council for endorsement in principle.
- Following Campus Council endorsement in principle, the Provost brings the Plan forward to Academic Board for information and feedback.
Current Divisional Plans
See current academic plans by division.
David Lock
Coordinator, Academic Planning & Reviews
Emma del Junco
Coordinator, Academic Planning & Reviews