What Happens with Program and Unit Reviews at AP&P?

  • All AP&P members will receive the summary and dean’s administrative response and implementation plan for all reviews; these become part of the governance record.
  • Prior to the meeting of the Committee on Academic Policy & Programs (AP&P), AP&P members are divided into groups to more closely consider an assigned portion of the review materials (e.g., if 12 program and unit reviews are going to AP&P, each reading group will closely consider 3 of those reviews).
  • For their assigned reviews, each reading group will have, in addition to the materials provided to all AP&P members, the full external review report for the program or unit under review, the program and/or unit response (in departmentalized Faculties/Divisions), and the self-study. These additional materials are not part of the governance record but allow the reading group to answer three questions:

Does the summary accurately tell the story of the full review?

Does the administrative response address all issues identified?

Are there any questions, comments or substantive issues that the committee should consider? Is there a need to ask the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs to bring forward a follow-up report?

  • At AP&P, the reading group and the rest of AP&P will discuss their answers to the three questions, and ask questions of the Dean and any others present (e.g., Chair, Director) who can speak to the plans for implementing recommendations.
  • AP&P may either conclude that the administrative response and implementation plan have addressed all substantive issues or recommend that the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs bring forward a follow-up report in a year.
  • As a measure of their importance, review reports are taken forward to University governance, first via AP&P. Reviews are normally brought forward for the Cycle 2 and Cycle 5 meetings each academic year. The outcome of each review is reported to Ontario’s Quality Council as a Final Assessment Report and Implementation Plan (FAR/IP). Find out more and view the FAR/IPs for all past UTQAP reviews.

Note: Collaborative Specialization and Clinical Department reviews go to AP&P as high-level summary reports and are not considered by the reading groups.