Who is Involved in Academic Change at U of T?

Faculties & Their Units

  • Consult as appropriate with other programs, units, students and faculty about any academic initiative (creation, modification or closure)
  • design curriculum
  • develop program objectives
  • determine learning outcomes
  • assemble human, instructional and physical resources
  • coordinate the appraisal process for any new proposed program
  • Work collaboratively with appropriate offices across the University to implement any newly approved program.

The VPAP Office

  • Advises on whether a proposal represents a major or minor modification to an existing program or a new academic program under the UTQAP
  • Convenes new program consultation meetings early in a program’s development to provide support and advice at an early, productive stage concerning academic considerations and budget including:
    • funding and tuition
    • faculty resources
    • UTQAP requirements and
    • governance
  • Provides advice and input on any significant academic proposal including entirely new programs, major modifications to existing programs and any minor modifications with institutional implications
  • Encourages full and comprehensive consultation around academic change
  • Ensures that programs are aligned with the University’s stated goals and meet the requirements of the UTQAP
  • Takes proposals forward for approval as appropriate through the committees of Governing Council and to the Quality Council; supports submission to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU)
  • Produces the graduate academic calendar annually.


Here you’ll find information on how to bring forward different types of academic change and who to contact for advice and support.


Jennifer Francisco
Coordinator, Academic Change

Annette Knott
Coordinator, Academic Change